Ongoing Website Refresh

11th July 2019

You may have noticed a few changes to our website over recent months. We’ve gradually been updating the design and functionality of the site. The aim of these changes has been to create a better user experience.  It’s quicker to get to the products you’re looking for and the new hub pages allow people to easily compare our range of surfaces before delving into the detail.

Product Hub Page

Pure Air 8 Acute Product Page


Product Pages

Product pages have also undergone an overhaul. They now are more visually led, showcasing the benefits and unique features of each surface more effectively.

New Section

We have also introduced a new FAQ’s section so people can easily find answers to their questions without the bother of giving us a call. It covers topics on pressure ulcers, products, installation, servicing and maintenance, purchasing and delivery.

Chat Feature

A new ‘Chat’ feature also enables our visitors to easily get in touch with us and speak directly to one of our experienced and friendly staff.


Educational Features

We’ve also noticed that some of our educational features have been proving particularly popular and well read, so the top features have been moved to our homepage to ease accessibility.


To learn more about us and how we can help you prevent problem pressure ulcers, contact us today