A specialised true low air loss mattress for unrivalled comfort and efficient pressure ulcer management from Select Medical.
Low air loss (LAL) mattresses are active support surfaces. They work by comfortably immersing the cared for deep into the support surface to carefully reduce interface pressures.
Strategically located perforations in individual air cells are combined with a superior vapour permeable mattress top cover. This means low air loss mattresses are far more efficient at reducing heat and perspiration on the skin than standard CMHR foam hospital mattress.
Continuous pressure forces on skin tissue restricts blood supply to underlying tissues. This can damage the skin leading to potential pressure ulcer development. To help prevent pressure ulcers (bed sores), the best mattress systems combine low support pressures and control micro-climate to deliver superior pressure relief and comfort for the cared for.
Pure Air 10 is a true Low Air Loss pressure reducing mattress. It provides superior comfort, for those we care for, across both acute and community healthcare environments. Purposely positioned micro air loss holes, and a high-tech and efficient blower,...